My top newborn and postpartum item recommendations

Pediatric OT-approved must-have items for you + your baby’s routine!

As soon as you find out you’re expecting, it can feel so exciting (and overwhelming) to think about building your baby registry. But what do you actually need?

Here’s the deal - yes, babies require a lot of gear and items…. AND, *you*, as the new parent, also require some thought and planning as to what is going to best support you during this transitional period.

So, here are my top 10 baby items AND my top 5 products/ways to support parents in the postpartum period. These are things I have personally used with J when he was a baby and what I’m 100% planning to use again with baby #2 - due in just a few short weeks at the time of this blog post!

(*Some of these links are my personal affiliate links, where I do earn a small commission from any purchase - thank you SO much in advance for supporting my small business!)

newborn baby in lounger


  1. Love to Dream Swaddle Up - This is my favorite newborn swaddle because instead of pinning baby’s arms down by their sides, it allows them to be in the arms-up position - a more natural position which babies tend to love! Think about it - in the womb, babies naturally move their hands around, have them up by their face, and even suck on their fingers. They are not pinned down by their sides. Allowing your baby’s arms to be up by their face helps them begin to naturally learn to soothe themselves in this way, while also dampening the startle reflex (the moro reflex) so they are not waking themselves up as often as they might be without any sort of swaddling.

    Once you are ready to graduate your baby from swaddling (which should ideally occur by 12-16 weeks and/or right as you notice any signs of being able to roll over), the Love to Dream Transition Bag makes it SO easy - you can zip off one arm and then the other, and baby will essentially be in a sleep sack type bag, with full access to their arms/hands. This is what we used with J and we had zero sleep issues transitioning away from the swaddle.

  2. My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow - If you are planning to breastfeed, this pillow is hands-down the best one to help position your baby in those newborn days. You can do the cradle, cross-cradle, and football positions easily. I found that this pillow supports baby the best, especially when they’re super small.

  3. Snuggle Me Organic Infant Lounger - This lounger is a great place to put baby down to hang out after feeding them. It can also act as a place for baby to get in those long, SUPERVISED daytime naps. This was a saving grace during those early newborn days because I was able to eat a meal, get some things done around the house, etc. Babies love it because they feel like they’re being cuddled or held - but always make sure to follow safe sleep recommendations with this one: never put it inside a bassinet/crib or on top of a soft surface such as a couch or a bed, and only use during the daytime when you are awake to supervise.

    (*As always, you make the sleep choices that are right for you and your family.)

  4. Hatch Rest Baby Sound Machine - An all-in-one white noise machine, night light, and (eventually) okay-to-wake clock for the toddler years. I love how this can be controlled via an app on your phone - you can change the light, volume, and sound settings manually, or program them to change at a certain time. In the newborn days, the option to use a red light night light is perfect for those middle-of-the-night feeds and diaper changes, since red light is the best type of light to not shock the system awake too much when you want baby to remain sleepy overnight. Currently, we use the white noise setting for J every night and then have it programmed to turn to the birds-chirping noise in the morning, which signals that it’s time for us to come get him from his crib.

  5. Huckleberry App - In those early days, it can be helpful to track baby’s feeds, sleep, and diaper changes, and this app is my favorite one to do so. I love how you AND your partner can be signed into the same account so that you can both see the info, rather than having to constantly ask each other when the baby last ate. There is also an upgrade option where it will suggest baby’s optimal nap times based on age-appropriate wake windows and prior sleep that day.

  6. Solly Baby wrap - A classic babywearing wrap that allows you to wrap baby up against your chest and walk around while having both hands free - a game-changer! I admit, I was intimidated at first to know how to make this kinda thing work, but after watching a few tutorial videos I was hooked. Babywearing will make your life SO much easier, not only in those newborn days, but truly throughout the entire first year or longer.

    Use code ROOTEDINROUTINE10 for 10% off your order!

  7. Lovevery Play Gym - Though a bit pricey, this is my favorite play mat for babies, from the newborn stage all the way through the toddler years. It comes with add-ons for each stage of baby’s development, like black-and-white cards for newborns, textured teethers for older babies, and a tent cover for toddlers. It will truly last you years!

  8. Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair - This is the gold standard for an OT-approved high chair because of the ergonomic and adjustable design to fit babies from 6 months through literally the big kid years… yep, it’s true! This is a perfect high chair for starting solids because of the adjustable foot rest (SO important) and seat height. Then, you can take off the high chair attachment and strap and simply use it as a regular dining chair for your school-age child. Worth the investment, in my opinion!

    *Another great high chair option is this Ikea Antilop High Chair with this add-on footrest. The tray does not come off, which makes it a bit more difficult to clean, but you can’t beat this price point.

  9. Guava Family Lotus Travel Crib - This is my favorite pack-n-play to recommend because it is SO easy to set up, easily portable (it comes with a carrier backpack for easy travel), and has NO weight limit - meaning your baby will never grow out of it after reaching a certain weight! (This is because the mattress touches the ground, rather than being suspended in the air.) We have used this countless times when traveling on both car and plane trips with J, and continue to use it at 2.5+ years as his sleep space when we are away from home.

  10. SlumberPod - Hands-down my number one recommended travel item for babies and toddlers! This stand-alone blackout shade fits over your baby’s pack-n-play or travel crib so that you can actually share a room with your baby without having to tip-toe around and stay quiet after you put them to bed at 7:30pm. You can also use this at home if your baby will be sharing a room with a sibling or if you want them to sleep in a common space. Trust me, this is one of the best baby items you will ever buy!

    Use code ROOTEDINROUTINE for a discount!


Investing in postpartum support and education for YOU is 100% worth it when it comes to your child. Don’t be afraid to add these types of items to your baby registry! In our culture, we think so much about a new baby and oftentimes forget about the parent(s). Having a new baby is a *huge* life change for everyone involved, and we weren’t meant to go at it alone. I truly believe that asking for help, investing in your own personal parenting knowledge, and utilizing the support of your community is imperative for both the health of your baby and the entire family as a whole.

  1. Rooted in Routine Comprehensive Routine Guides - From yours truly, these age-based digital guides truly give you the essential parenting information and answers you need - all in ONE place! When I became a parent myself, even with a background in child development, I was lost about so many things - how often should my baby eat and sleep? Is this behavior normal? Am I doing this whole parenting thing right?! I found that the day-to-day parenting answers I wanted were scattered in a million different places, so I created ONE go-to resource that simplifies it all for you, based on your baby’s age. The 0-3 Month Guide is a great starting point for a baby registry, or even better, put the 0-12 Month Bundle on there so that you are all set for your baby’s entire first year!

  2. Full Feedings Infant Program - If you want to learn a simple, practical, and intuitive way to help your baby sleep well from day one, this online infant sleep program is the way to go. There is SO much noise and opinion out there when it comes to baby sleep, but one thing is for sure - parental sleep deprivation in those early parenting weeks and months is no joke. This method teaches you how to set your baby up for success when it comes to sleep so that they naturally begin to sleep better, in an age-appropriate way, without formal sleep training (though nothing wrong with that, either!). Plus, it’s so affordable - I highly recommend the email support option so that you can get your individual questions answered throughout those early weeks and months. We used it for J and it just makes sense. He started sleeping through the night around 11 weeks…. Just saying!

    Use code ROOTEDINROUTINE for 20% off!

  3. Birth and/or Postpartum Doula Fund - This is something that I truly wish every birthing person and new family could have access to. A doula is a trained professional who is there to provide emotional, informational, and physical support during pregnancy, birth, and the immediate postpartum period. Unfortunately, they cost money, but do NOT be afraid to ask for contributions to this on your registry! This is one of the BEST ways family members and friends can support you in having a safe and healthy delivery as well as a well-supported and informed postpartum experience. I had a birth doula for J (read my birth story here) and this time around, we are using a doula both for birth and overnight care during the postpartum period. Click HERE to search for a doula in your area.

  4. Lactation Consultant Fund - Similar to the above, individual sessions with a lactation consultant in those early weeks is imperative to getting your breastfeeding journey off to a good start. Breastfeeding seems like it would be simple, but trust me when I tell you it is NOT. You may learn some simple things in the hospital, but once you and your baby come home, so many questions, issues come up. Having in-person lactation support from a qualified IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) is invaluable. Do not be afraid to ask for contributions to this cause, as many are not covered by health insurance plans. Click HERE to search for an IBCLC in your area.

  5. Food Delivery Gift Cards - Yep, as silly as it may sound, feeding YOURSELF in the throes of the postpartum period is somewhat difficult. One of the best things you can request when people ask how they can help is to ask for a meal or food delivery. So, don’t be afraid to put food delivery gift cards on your registry! Another great option is asking someone to set up a Meal Train for you - this is a more systematic approach for family and friends to sign up to either drop-off a meal or send a meal delivery to you on a certain day. My sister is planning to set this up for us for baby #2 and I know it’s going to be one of the best ways for us to feel supported in those early days and weeks.


There you have it! My top baby and parent recommendations for the postpartum period. This is the essential information I wish I had when preparing for my first baby, so I hope it helps you in some way, whether you are pregnant with your first or even your fifth!

Any questions about baby registries, preparing for postpartum, or any of the items above? Please feel free to comment here or send me a DM on Instagram!


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